Integrity Matters

Esteban Shibeno
3 min readDec 1, 2021

A Cryptodrama in Four Parts

Among schools, that of crypto learning stands alone in it’s audacious, unpredictable costliness.

As fun as it sounds, I’ve always shied away from learning to fly an airplane, both because I don’t have that level of committment and trust in my own navigational and flying skills to rely on that education to ever truly relaxed while hurtling precariously in a little machine tens of thousands of feet above terra firma, but also because of the huge costs of flight school and flying time.

What I’ve come to realize is that there are few educations more expensive than crypto. For my own part, at any rate — it makes learning to fly and leasing a plane look moderate. And ETH transaction fees? They make even the cost of that aviation fuel look hella reasonable.

This week, the crypto “school of hard knocks ” generously doled out expensive seminars to thousand of people. Unfortunately, I was one of them.

Front Row Seat

Through no planning or desire of my own, I ended up with a front-row seat to three shitshows for the ages.

I was on my way to buying a spot on a first-class blue-chip token launch (or at least it appeared that way, and should have been) when I was waylaid by the first rug.

I fully realize that it was silly to think that (insert token name here) was going to keep mooning.

It had been “called” (promoted) by Luffy, who’s actually one of my favorite people in this industry.

Over some months we’ve become friends, and there’s one reason for that. When he has a chance to choose integrity, he does.

He’s got a great track record, Luffy does, and for that reason getting his call is a blessing from the pump deities.

But of course, starting and mooning are two very different things.

By now I should know that a brand-new token mooning often amounts to a trap for the greedy, but I stepped in it like a drunken n00b sleepwalking.

The Pump Dumped (natch’!)

I think I was the last one to get on before the chart took that fast one-way trip to the token netherworld.

Like magic, the sells started streaming in, as if on cue, and recovery looked less and less likely. I got out in time to keep nearly a tenth of an ETH ($450) of my original $2500. Which I’d gotten from selling my entire stake of last week’s “big thing” — purchased for just a hair higher than $6K, and at one point worth nearly 10.

Yeah, I know. Leave the trading to those who love losing money, and just hold what you believe in. That’s what I should do. But… that dopamine!

Next up: Stealth & MCC, Two Towers Blown To Smithereens

While I’m writing that, visit our Twitter Space tomorrow to meet some friendly cryptothusiasts & vent your rug story, or just chill & kibbitz with us.

Or go grok our AMA from a few weeks ago, during the time yours truly definitively proved for all to see that speed typing is and always has been a skill worth mastering.



Esteban Shibeno

Making the crypto world safer, one friend at a time